About Me

Welcome to my website! I am a 4th-year student at the University of Maryland with over four years of programming experience. I plan to strengthen and broaden my knowledge of Computer Science fields directed toward Software engineering, Software Development, Cloud Computing, and Machine Learning.

Additional Info:

Additionally, I am an adamant Chess player who looks forward to Chess puzzles and games to study positional and play patterns. Likewise, I get excited about opportunities where I'm able to solve problems and identify patterns that have real human impact. I love connecting with new people; give me a shout at rjmartinez422@gmail.com or here on my website!

City: Washington D.C. | College Park, MD

Email: rjmartinez422@gmail.com

Birthday: April 22, 2003

Age: 21

Major: Computer Science

Grade Level: Senior (4th-year student)

GPA: 3.8


Last Updated: 11/17/2024


Last Updated: 11/17/2024